School Improvement Grant (SIG) payments are processed through an automated system that captures requests from schools and generates pay sheets that are encrypted and uploaded onto an online payment system which is then accessed by UNICEF for processing. Since SIG started in 2013, two SIGMIS were developed, one in 2013 and the other one in 2022. The 2013 SIGMIS is the one currently being used by MoPSE to capture paysheets, however, the MoPSE misplaced user manuals and a source code for the application and only established that in 2018 when the system developed a problem, hence the system cannot be modified or maintained in any way. Since then, the consultant who developed the SIGMIS had been called on adhoc basis to support the Grants Management Team (GMT) with fixing any challenges. Unfortunately, the individual consultant who developed the SIGMIS died in December 2022, therefore, there is no backup to the system. This poses a huge risk if the system develops a problem as previously experienced.
In 2022, MoPSE requested for a new system as the 2013 system was exhibiting an unstable pattern ranging from inability to move over to the current year, failure to accept new schools and to generate the pay sheets. All the problems were attributed to the absence of user and technical documentation manuals as well as the source code which was misplaced. Based on this request, a new system was developed, however, the system had teething issues which were not resolved, and this included compatibility with UNICEF Banking platform. In addition, the contract of the consultant ended before the MoPSE team had been trained on the system to allow the MoPSE ICT to take over the management of the system and provide internal support whenever needed. The new system was only used to produce 2 paysheets in 2022, due to the teething issues it demonstrated, the system was shelved, and the GMT reverted to the old system to expedite the process of preparing pay sheets.
There is still a need to move away from the old system to the new 2022 system which is more robust in meeting the user requirements.
UNICEF Zimbabwe is seeking a consultant to support the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) with reviewing and modifying the system to address the issues raised by GMT and allow capturing of reports on expenditure, acknowledgements and reporting as well as capacity building of the Grants Management team and MoPSE ICT staff with the objective of transitioning to the new system for payments planned for 2024. Given that UNICEF has changed its bank, there is need for the consultant to work with MoPSE and the bank and ensure alignment.
Purpose of the assignment:
To capture information of schools selected for payment of school improvement grants by MoPSE, generate an encypted paysheet that is shared with the UNICEF house bank for the transfer of the funds to the targeted schools using an electronic system designed for this purpose. The other objectives are to create an online platform accessible through internet and secured by https protocol that will assist school heads to receive school disbursement grants for the purposes of school infrastructure development and improved quality of education. 1) Integration of the system to existing Education Management Information System (EMIS) . 2) To generate payment reports. 3) To upload acknowledgements and acquittals from districts
The consultant will be expected to work closely with MoPSE and UNICEF sections i.e., Education, Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and Finance for the following: 1) Review the existing system that was developed in 2022 to see if it meets all the user requirements stipulated in the TORs for its development. If there is any of the specifications not met, include them in an incremental development.
2) Integration of the system to the existing Education Management Information System (EMIS)
- Creation of a field which captures the EMIS number of a school
- Resolving teething issues raised by GMT
- Ensure MIS security to maintain data integrity.
3) Review and update a template that is used for capturing of
- Grant requests
- Acknowledgments of receipt of SIG-Acquittals detailing type of expenditure
- Associated reporting
4) Capacity building of Grants Management team (GMT)
- Review the SIG MIS User Manual
- Trainings for User and System Administrator Trainings conducted
5) Alignment of the SIGMIS with the UNICEF House bank platform
- Review of the Stanbic Bank bulk payments system and ensuring compatibility of SIGMIS to the platform.
- Support the testing of data uploads to the Stanbic platform with the bank.
Education: A university degree in Information Technology, Computer Science
At least 5 years' experience working in Software Development
Knowledge/ Expertise/Skills required:
Familiarity with Government of Zimbabwe procedures, and specifically Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education policies, systems and procedures.
Advanced knowledge in software development, MySQL and SQL database engines.
Advanced knowledge in database implementation, configuration, and troubleshooting of database instances. eKHKVcj D0LPS3
Familiarity with standard ICT industry best practices, with emphasis on
Change control and contemporary system security methodologies.
General knowledge of Education Management Information Systems
Demonstrated project management experience of varying scope
Commitment to accuracy
Previous experience with NGO and Government related projects/ track record is a plus.
Fluency in English
Good proficiency of a local languages is essential
Lupane State University
Lupane State University
Lupane State University
Lupane State University
Lupane State University
23 Apr 2024
17 Apr 2024