The Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) is delighted to announce the January 2024 intake for Primary Care Nurse Training, featuring province-based recruitment for this program. Provinces will conduct recruitment in January, May, or September, depending on the availability of training posts. For the January 2024 intake, the following provinces will be recruiting, offering a total of 198 training posts across various Primary Care Nurse Training Schools:
Manicaland Mt Selinda Chipinge 15
Mashonaland Central St Alberts Centenary 20
Howard Mazowe 20
Mt Darwin Mt Darwin 16
Mashonaland East Luisa Guldotti Mutoko 15
Nyadire Mutoko 20
Mt St Mary’s Wedza 12
Matabeleland North Inyathi Bubi 20
Midlands Mnene Mberengwa 30
Gokwe South Gokwe South 30
Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals for the two-year Primary Care Nurse training conducted by the Ministry of Health and Child Health Care (MOHCC). Applicants must meet the following qualifications:
-Ordinary level certificate of education with passes in English Language or English Literature, AND a Science subject, Mathematics, and two (2) other subjects from not more than two (2) sittings with full certificates (Examination Result Slips are not accepted).
-One sitting will be an added advantage.
-Practical subjects such as Fashion and Fabrics, Metal Work, Wood Work, Art, Building, and Graphic Arts are not relevant to nursing.
-Candidates must be aged between eighteen (18) and forty-five (45) years on the date of training commencement, which is 08/01/2024 (Candidates should not be less than 18 years and not more than 45 years by 08/01/2024).
Submit application letters by 30th November 2023 to the District Medical Officer of District Hospitals in the provinces. The selection process ensures equal representation from all districts based on the available training posts.
For shortlisted candidates, present the following at the interview: original and certified copies of Birth Certificate, National Identity Card, Ordinary Level Certificates, marriage certificate (where applicable), and 2 passport-size pictures with the applicant’s name on the back. Manual verification of original academic and identification certificates will be done on the day of the interviews.
University of Zimbabwe
Full Time
30 Nov 2023
24 Nov 2023