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Fundraising Consultant – Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI)

Zimbabwe Microfinance Fund (P…

Expires: 24 Jul 2024

Part Time



job Description

1. Preamble
This is a call for Expressions Of Interest (EOI) from experienced, globally-networked individuals or corporate entities for the engagement over an initial period of two years of a Fundraising Consultant to assist in mobilization of funds for deployment in a dynamic impact-driven, empowerment-focused non-bank, wholesale microfinance institution. The details of the institution, required services and the ideal profile of the Fundraising Consultant, are presented in the following sections.
2. Organisational Background
2.1 The Zimbabwe Microfinance Fund (Private) Limited, (ZMF), is financial apex organization providing patient financial services to MFIs, SACCOs, Microfinance Banks and Agricultural Value Chain Actors (AgVCAs).
2.2 The financial apex organization is jointly owned by the Zimbabwe Association of Microfinance Institutions (ZAMFI) and the Zimbabwe Microfinance Wholesale Facility Trust (ZMWFT).
2.3 The two organizations have a common vision in terms of catalyzing the growth of a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive Microfinance Sector. ZAMFI, being an association leads in the lobbying and advocacy role to ensure a conducive environment for thriving of microfinance business while ZMWFT has a key role in resource mobilization.
2.4 The need for a Microfinance Apex Funder was noted from the early 2000s but it became acute in 2009 when the country dollarized, a process that left credit only MFIs with no portfolios as everything that was denominated in local currency was lost. Faced with a sector at the brink of collapse, ZAMFI lobbied some development partners to support the creation of a wholesale fund that would operate as a revolving fund.
2.5 The initial seed capital for ZMF was provided by DFID, HIVOS, Danida and GIZ. Over the years, ZMF has remained a key source of funding, especially to credit only MFIs, AgVCAs, and SMEs exploring opportunities in the Renewable Energy and Climate Smart Agriculture sectors among others.

Duties and Responsibilities

3. Assignment Background
3.1 The ZMWFT Board of Trustees has taken a strategic decision to grow its balance sheet in the next 5 years (2024 – 2029) through a mix of local and international fundraising initiatives. The Board is open to various funding instruments, including but not limited to
i. Non repayable Grants;
ii. Repayable Grants;
iii. Concessionary Debt;
iv. Blended Finance;
v. Commercial Debt and
vi. Equity

3.2 The funding sought will be used to finance the growing demand for funding in the MSMEs Sector either through the wholesale channel (via MFI partners) or through the direct channel where ZMF funds SMEs directly.
3.3 The Green Energy Sector, Small holder farmers and Agricultural Value Chain Actors are key areas of focus as ZMF is making a bold entry into the space of Climate Smart agriculture by ensuring that farmers go green and smart.
3.4 The consultant being sought will be expected to develop an understanding of ZMF (ownership, governance, business model) so that they are able to play a leading role in the organisation’s fundraising initiatives.

4. Assignment Objectives The objectives of the fundraising consultant will be as follows:-
a) To obtain a good understanding of ZMF and its Business Model
b) To look for Calls for Proposals from Development Partners, Social Investors, Climate Change Funds and respond to them working with the ZMF MD
c) Identifying Impact Investors who are active in Zimbabwe or would like to be active in Zimbabwe and facilitate investment/funding dialogue with ZMF
d) Closing funding deals for ZMF

Qualifications and Experience

5. Qualifications experience of the Fundraising Consultant
The ideal candidate/s should have the following attributes:
i. Educational and qualifications – A Minimum of a degree in finance, banking, business, law or equivalent.
ii. A minimum of 10 years’ experience in mobilizing capital from public and private capital markets for institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa or other developing economies.
iii. Evidence of networks with international development agencies (IDA), impact investors, development finance, institutions (DFI) and capital market players.
iv. Knowledge of the Zimbabwe’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) environment.
v. For corporate entities, the conditions noted in 5(i) – 5(iv) would apply to the nominated officers who the entity would deploy on the assignment

How to Apply

6. Submission of proposals
Interested candidates are invited to send their applications via email to [email protected] on or before the Friday 26 July 2024. The proposal should include the following:
a) Table of Contents.
b) Your understanding of the assignment.
c) Methodology and Workplan.
d) Your profile outlining qualifications, experience, and similar assignments you have done in the past.
e) Your preferred fundraising model and rate of remuneration. Please note that the expectation from ZMF is that the remuneration will be related to the success of the Consultant in mobilizing funds.
f) Up to 3 recommendation letters from organizations for which you have done similar work in the past.
g) Contacts of key reviewers and referees.

7. Requests for clarification:
For more information or clarifications, please direct your questions in writing to the following email:
[email protected]
The closing date for requests for clarifications is Friday 26 July 2024. Any clarifications provided to any potential respondent will be posted on the ZMF website for the benefit of all bidders.

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Job overview

  • Location


  • Job Type

    Part Time

  • Expiry Date

    24 Jul 2024

  • Date Posted

    05 Jun 2024