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Consultancy work: ​​Mid Term Evaluation Type of Evaluation: ​Process and Outcome Evaluation

iHarare Jobs

Expires: 13 Aug 2024

Full Time



job Description

Consultancy Terms of Reference

Consultancy work: ​​Mid Term Evaluation
Type of Evaluation: ​Process and Outcome Evaluation
Purpose:​Trocaire will be conducting a mid-term assessment of the performance of the project to determine the value of results achieved by the project to date, and to understand the extent to which the project is adhering to project design. This will inform any adjustments to the project delivery strategies, in the remaining period of the project, if required.

Duration:​3.5 months [02 Sept. – 16 Dec. 2024]
Start date:​02 Sept. 2024
Commissioning org: ​Trocaire Zimbabwe country programme
Type of consultant:​Individual or institutional / company

Duties and Responsibilities

Trócaire works in partnership with local and church organisations, supporting communities in over 20 developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East to bring about lasting change. Trócaire envisages a just and peaceful world where: people’s dignity is ensured, and rights are respected; basic needs are met, and resources are shared equitably; people have control over their own lives; and those in power act for the common good.
In Zimbabwe, Trócaire is leading a consortium made up of 13 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) implementing a project aimed at promoting active citizenship as enshrined in the national Constitution. The project is enhancing active citizenship, by reducing barriers to gender equality, and by empowering CSOs to sustain their role of supporting citizens and communities to enjoy their rights.

Geographic coverage and target groups:
The project covers all the 10 provinces through the work of the national level partners or CSOs, while sub-national level partners work in a total of 29 districts.
The project is directly reaching a total of 95,836 people (49,880 female, 45,956 male), of which an estimated 4002 (2674 female, 1,328 male) are PWDs, and 15,300 (7,344 male, 7,956 female) are youth in these districts.
It is estimated 1,113,000 people (578,760 female, 534,240 male) will be reached indirectly by the project.
The evaluation should therefore cover all the sites and population groups identified in the project.

Purpose of the Evaluation:
The evaluation is being conducted as a mid-term assessment of the performance of the project to determine the value of the project results achieved to date, and to understand the extent to which the project implementation is adhering to the project design.
The purpose of this evaluation is two-fold, 1. to assess the performance of the project against the baseline, set targets, Theory of Change, value for money (VFM) principles, GESI (Gender Equality and Social Inclusion) and any other agreed standards (thus judging the worth of the project), and 2. to inform changes and improvements to the project where required in the remaining period of the project, based on the findings.
The evaluation should include a comprehensive assessment of VFM, enabling beneficiaries and stakeholders to give feedback on what project areas are effective, equitable, efficient, and economic. Also expected is a participatory assessment of gender equality and women’s empowerment to ensure that this project is effectively contributing to reducing barriers for women (and other marginalized groups) in accessing and asserting their rights. Based on this purpose, the evaluation will therefore combine process and outcomes evaluation approaches.

Qualifications and Experience

The consultant must have a varied mix of skills and competences and they must have undertaken similar work in Zimbabwe in the last five years. The following qualifications are mandatory.
• Postgraduate degree in social sciences or equivalent.
• Proven experience in carrying out development research, including evaluations
• Minimum of five years of experience in coordinating and administering evaluations/ baseline/end line studies, preferably for international non-governmental organizations or multilateral agencies
• Demonstrated experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods.
• Knowledge and experience in policy, governance, human rights, gender equality and social inclusion and advocacy issues are highly preferred.
• Experience with working with local communities in relevant local languages. (Fluency in English, isiNdebele and chiShona).
• Ability to produce high quality work within scheduled timeframes.
• Proficiency in statistics.
• Experiences on cross-cutting issues such as gender inclusion as well as awareness on child protection and child rights issues.

How to Apply

Submission of expression of interest

Interested qualified consultants should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) highlighting their experience and qualifications or profile of the consulting firm (if applicable). Full Terms of Reference (TORs) for the assignment will be shared with the shortlisted candidates.

The Expression of Interest, with all relevant attachments should be submitted to [email protected], not later than 13 August 2024.

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Job overview

  • Location


  • Job Type

    Full Time

  • Expiry Date

    13 Aug 2024

  • Date Posted

    07 Aug 2024