QUEST Scholarships for Engineering Study In The UK 2023

QUEST Scholarships for Engineering Study in the UK 2023

QUEST Scholarships for Engineering Study in the UK 2023

QUEST Scholarships for Engineering Study in the UK 2023
QUEST Scholarships for Engineering Study in the UK 2023

QUEST Scholarships are scholarships awarded to undergraduate students who are pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields at the University of Maryland, College Park. QUEST is an honours program within the Robert H. Smith School of Business that focuses on teaching students to work in teams and solve real-world problems through a hands-on, interdisciplinary approach.

The QUEST program offers three different scholarships to its undergraduate students: the QUEST Corporate Scholarship, the QUEST Endowed Scholarship and the QUEST General Scholarship. The scholarships are merit-based and are awarded based on a student’s academic achievement, leadership potential, and commitment to the QUEST program.

The QUEST Corporate Scholarship is funded by corporate partners of the QUEST program and provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated excellence in the program and are pursuing internships or co-op experiences. The QUEST Endowed Scholarship is funded by private donations and supports students who have shown exceptional promise in the program. The QUEST General Scholarship is funded by the University of Maryland and provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need.

To be eligible for QUEST scholarships, students must be enrolled in the QUEST program, be in good academic standing, and meet any additional eligibility criteria for each scholarship. Students can apply for QUEST scholarships through the University of Maryland’s Office of Student Financial Aid.

every year, students who are qualified and interested in studying civil engineering in the UK are given QUEST Scholarships. There are 6 QUEST awards given out each year, each with its specific criteria for application. Applications are now being accepted for some of the prize categories.

QUEST assists civil engineers at all levels obtain funding. Most significantly, it fosters the entry of new talent into the field, who can then advance society.

Application Deadline: Varies


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Students are due to start the first year of a JBM-accredited full-time civil engineering degree course in the UK.

Worth up to £8,000 plus early links to potential employers


Students on or due to start further or higher education courses that could lead to becoming a professionally qualified ICE technician (EngTech).

Worth up to £1,000 plus early links to potential employers


Newly professionally qualified female members (CEng, IEng or EngTech) based in the UK and undertaking a project abroad with a civil engineering focus.

Worth up to £2,500


Graduate or professionally qualified members (CEng, IEng or EngTech – individuals or groups) with 2 years of membership who are travelling abroad for civil engineering-related projects or activities.

Worth up to £1,500 for individuals and £6,000 for groups


Student members (individuals or groups) in their first year of studying in the UK but who are travelling abroad to take part in civil engineering-related projects or activities.

Worth up to £1,500 for individuals and £4,500 for groups


Graduates and professionally qualified members (CEng, IEng or EngTech) with over 2 years of work experience looking to start a course to support their professional qualification and progress.

Worth up to £1,000

Application Procedures

To apply for QUEST awards for Civil Engineering study in the UK, you need to visit the official funding page and select the category of the award that suits your study level for details on how to apply.