Tips On How To Do An Online Job Interview

iHarare Jobs
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How To Do An Online Interview

iHarare Jobs

Online Job Interview has become the new norm. Time and systems have changed due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19) global pandemic. Gone are the days when people would be called to come for an interview. Now there is a new emerging culture whereby people are now working at home so as to maintain social distancing to avoid the spread of COVID 19.

Companies are now engaging in virtual meetings whereby they will be doing meetings through video conference on WhatsApp, Facebook or Skype. Even job interviews are now done on virtual. online job interviews have become more popular and many companies, are regularly using technology to conduct interviews.

Online interviews are very similar to the old way that is attending the interview in person. However there are some major differences that candidates should be prepared for, for instance, the type of online interview you are participating in, there are some instances where you are just recording your answers instead of conversing with a live person on the other end. This can be stressful for some candidates.

Below are the Tips of Online job interview


In this day and age, technology can be overwhelming and with online interviews especially, you need to feel comfortable using whichever method your prospective employee prefers (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc.). Once you’re comfortable with the program you’ll be using, it’s a good idea to test your internet connection as well as your audio and sound capabilities to make sure everything works properly.

Pro Tip: Before logging on, ask the interviewer what the format is. Here are a few questions to ask to make sure you’re prepared:

  • Is it an audio interview or both audio and video?
  • Is there someone on the other end of the video or are the questions pre-recorded?
  • If they are pre-recorded, how many chances do I get to record my answer?
  • What do I do or who do I call if I start having technical difficulties?


Make sure it isn’t too dark but also stay away from overhead lights during the interview if you can. If possible, try to settle down near a window. Natural light is best because bad lighting can be distracting. A glare could make it difficult for the interviewer to see you—and you always want to put your best foot (or in this case, face) forward!

Pro Tip: Scope out a good spot to conduct your online meeting the day before to make sure you’re not rushing around before the interview.


Silence anything that could interfere with your conversation, including your phone and email notifications on your computer.

Pro Tip: Make sure no one else is around when you are completing your interview, including pets.  Interviewers have told me they have had cats walk across the computer screen and close the session, a half-clothed man walk across the room in the background, and piles of laundry in plain sight. Don’t jeopardize your career by not being prepared!


Even though you’re not meeting your interviewer in person, make sure to dress for success and sit up straight. First impressions matter and your appearance is crucial to making a good one.

Pro Tip:  Don’t forget to smile! Whether you are talking to an actual person or recording your answers, smile the way you would during an in-person interview.


Practice your main talking points if you’re nervous and remember to slow down—it can be easy to talk over people on online calls.

Pro Tip: Even though this particular interview is hosted online, don’t forget to review your traditional interview skills. You’ll want to have answers prepared to some of the more common interview questions and examples in case they ask for specifics.


Even in the online environment, eye contact is important. Instead of looking at the person on the screen, look directly into the webcam and stay engaged.

Pro Tip: If you are uncomfortable, put a picture of someone you know up by the webcam. This way, you feel as though you’re chatting with a friend. Overall, this will make you more comfortable.

This is how you prepare the online Job interview

*NB* Get your old Cv transformed to modern Resume by iHarare Jobs expects. Contact iHarare Jobs on WhatsApp or call on 0719553310. Distance is not a problem as all are processed through social media platforms.

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