How To Manage A Toxic Or Difficult Co-Worker
How To Manage A Toxic Or Difficult Co-Worker

How To Manage A Toxic Or Difficult Co-Worker

Nearly everyone has to work with a difficult or toxic co-worker at some point in their career. Getting along with this person is an important part of developing your conflict resolution skills and learning to overcome adversity. Below are some of the things that one can do to accommodate a toxic co worker

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Focus on your positive relationships.

Rather than dwelling on this co-worker, shift your focus to those you enjoy being around. Make an effort to form positive relationships with your other co-workers. Casual conversations with uplifting people throughout the day can make you feel happier at work. Consider asking one of your favorite co-workers to do something fun outside of work

Accept their personality.

You may find that this co-worker isn’t doing anything wrong, but you simply don’t enjoy their personality. This is a normal part of life as you find people you enjoy and people you want to avoid. Learn to accept that you need to get along with this person. Try to find things you enjoy about their personality and give them a chance to show their good side.

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Stay neutral at work.

If other co-workers are talking about this person, keep your opinions to yourself. Remaining neutral is how you can help maintain a positive work environment for everyone. If you must talk about this person, save it for a friend or family member who is not connected to your work. Save your energy at work for discussing positive things about others

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Limit your interactions.

Limiting the amount of time you spend with this co-worker can help you cope with the situation. You may find that you can handle them in small doses. At lunch or during meetings, stay by co-workers who you find kind and uplifting. When limiting your interactions, make it subtle to be mindful of their feelings.