The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)

The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)

The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)



The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)
The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)

Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae

Most people do not know the difference between a resume and a curriculum vitae. They just think it is the same thing. A resume and a curriculum vitae are two different documents although they save one purpose. Nowadays companies are opting to have resumes other than curriculum vitae when recruiting. If a job seeker sends a CV where a resume has been requested it is a straight turn down even if he/she qualifies. It is imperative to send a proper resume if it has been requested by the recruiters.

What is a Resume?

A resume is a short, straight-to-the-point, document created for the purpose of applying to a specific job

A resume will be in PDF format.  Information to be added on a resume: (i) Full name (ii) Your job title, or the name of the position you’re applying for (iii) Contact information (iv) Resume summary or objective (v) Work experience (vi) Education (vii) Relevant skills (viii) Languages and proficiency (ix) Relevant certifications and interests (if any).

What is a Curriculum Vitae

A CV is a very in-depth document that describes your career journey step-by-step, including all sorts of personal information. You can look at the CV as a comprehensive description of everything you have ever done, all the achievements you are proud of, and all the publications that bear your name.

A CV can be in a PDF format MS word format. What is included on a CV: (i) Full name (ii) Contact information (iii) Professional title, objectives and personal summary (iii) Research interests (iv) Education (v) Publications (both academic papers and books) (vi) Teaching or lecturing experience (vii) Work experience (viii) Conferences and courses (ix) Skills (x) Certificates (xi) Languages (xii) Grants of fellowships (xiii) References.

The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)
The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)


  • A resume is just a one page summary of your work experience and background relevant to the job you are applying to. A CV can be 8 pages long due to staff being included
  • A resume is used for a job search in all industries, the CV is just used for job hunting admissions in Academia
  • A resume is drafted specifically for the job you are applying to, and a CV is a comprehensive overview.

Advantages of a resume over a CV

  • A resume is short and straight unlike a CV which is very long and it bores the recruiters to go through it
  • Saves time to create a resume
  • A resume is a modern way of showcasing yourself unlike a CV
  • A resume keeps the recruiter interested so that you are given the opportunity for an interview
  • A resume clearly illustrates your skills and career accomplishments

    The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)
    The Difference Between A Resume And A Curriculum Vitae (February 2022)

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