Call for Senior Programmes Assistant At A Local NGO

Call for Senior Programmes Assistant At A Local NGO

Call for Senior Programmes Assistant At A Local NGO

Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, were first called such in Article 71 in the Charter of the newly formed United Nations in 1945. While NGOs have no fixed or formal definition, they are generally defined as nonprofit entities independent of governmental influence (although they may receive government funding).

A local NGO is inviting applications for the position of Senior Programmes Assistant.

Reporting to the Director

Duties and Responsibilities

– Participating in; Designing, Planning, Implementing, Evaluation, documentation and Resourcing of all organization programmes and work.
-Is responsible for searching for potential grants, programmes, projects, activities and opportunities that the organization can pursue from relevant media including newspapers and internet
– The major responsibility is to write proposals and concept notes, and proposals for the organisation.
-Assist in showcasing relevant work of the organization through different platforms on social media through creation, sharing and liking of posts, on social media in an effort to make the organization visible.
-Preparing activity and annual reports for the different programmes and events for approval by the Projects Officer and the Director. Also writing donor reports for the authorisation of the Director.
-Other activities include being on standby for GBV cases and any other related work as may be assigned by leadership

Interested and qualified candidates should have:

1. A Degree in Social Work, Psychology, developmental studies or any other related qualifications
2. 3 years experience working in an NGO sector

To apply send your cover letter, CV and academic certificates to by the 24th of February 2023

Also Available

International Expansion of Non-Governmental Organizations – Evodio  Kaltenecker